For nearly 25 years, I’m happy to say that we’ve had a very informative, good looking, easy to navigate and interesting website. One that has attracted lots and lots of shoppers over the years. We thank our awesome and talented web developer Eric Acevedo of Visual Media for his amazing creation.
We have always made timely website changes regularly by keeping customers and shoppers up to date on the very latest
Broadway shows and events,
London West End show listings and live entertainment options in
Las Vegas. And being in the ticket business, it’s not an easy thing to do, particularly in the world of theater. Each season there are many shows that open and start playing performances and many shows that close. This all requires a lot of time, effort and expense on the part of our webmaster as well as our team at
One day, a few months ago, I was taking a fairly lengthy train ride and was trying to think about what we could do to continue to make our customers happy while making it easier to shop for theater tickets, concerts and sporting events on our website. So I wrote a note to our webmaster and told him what I was thinking. After a few get together’s, he came up with a concept that appears to be very simple, easy to navigate, very cutting edge like, while continuing to stand out from those hundreds of other websites that are out there. And we like to think that our new website will describe Applause-Tickets, our team and what we do for the theatergoing public perfectly. And make for a far improved shopping experience.
I sincerely hope you’ll check out our webmaster’s latest website creation as we proudly unveil this new look. Although there are several hundred websites that sell tickets for various shows and events all over the world, in my personal opinion, many of them seem like cheap, “mostly the same plug-in” type of sites. The ticket industry is loaded with people that launch websites, plug into large online ticket broker “exchanges” filled with tickets and unfortunately mostly speculative, fake inventory listings. And prices? Many of the people posting ticket listings are delusional by posting some of the outrageously high prices they want for their tickets. I guess people hope the public will click on an attractive listing of seat locations and possibly pay these crazy prices.
But for our money, we do things differently at Applause-Tickets. And I’m proud to say that the major thing we do differently is that we promote “calling our service” and “talking to a live person“ who has expertise in guiding the public through the maze of shows and events on Broadway, London, Las Vegas and throughout the world.
We’d appreciate you having a look at our new website as one of the things I was looking for was to make it act like an app, without having to actually go to the App Store. And we are very happy to say that our webmaster was able to make this happen. The website design is “responsive”. It’s simple really. When you look at the website on any of your devices- phone, iPad or desktop, no matter your screen size, everything you’re looking at on a page will adjust to the device as the viewing area grows and shrinks. Very cool.
The website may be brand new, cool and easier than ever to navigate while maintains the same “old-school” way of doing business. Call us on the phone and we will answer, seven days a week and believe it or not- almost 24/7. We do need a couple hours of sleep of course. LOL.
So kindly check out our new look on your desktop, iPad or any mobile device. And if you’d like to talk like we do, we hope you’ll let us become an integral part of your ticket buying experience. It doesn’t have to be complicated, one call to us and will help you get the tickets that you want. And we guarantee outstanding and personal customer service at competitive pricing, each and every time you call.
Please let us know what you think of our new website when you get a chance. We look forward to hearing from you somewhere down the road.
Best Regards
Rich Gladstone
Local Phone 212-307-7050
Toll Free 800-451-9930
The new website sports a PWA (Progressive Website Application) that allows you to save the site to your phone's desktop, making it look and act like a mobile app.
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